[net.movies.sw] Dr Who

LRC.HJJH@UTEXAS-20.ARPA (12/07/83)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WHO's Susan ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Oldtimers on the net may recall My Friend The Ultimate Star Wars Fan
whose devotion was so great that she periodically dashed off to
England to gather local goodies and/or visit her inside contacts.  For
instance, she was the source of the message I posted in SF-L some time
before the release of TESB, to the effect that there was a significant
scene in it where Vader "physically picked something up and threw
it".  (Well, you wouldn't really have wanted me to let the cat out of
the bag about his killing the Emperor....)

Anyhow, MFTUSWF has gone on to what she considers better things, and
is now MFTUDWF, a devout "WHOver".  So when the recent discussion of
the problematic relationship between the Dr and Susan was tossed
about, I inquired of my expert.  The notes I scribbled down may be a
bit jumbled (\I/ am no WHOver, and even on weekends long distance
rates within Texas are not miniscule, and my penmanship is vile).  But
here is the gist of what I gleaned.

In a recent (#20) issue of (the British?) RADIO TIMES is a short story
relating to that period, by Eric Saward, one of the major writers of
the series, so presumably about as reliable as anything not filmed.

"Susan" was really the Lady Larn, a direct descendant of the original
Time Lord, Rassilon.  During a revolutionary uprising she fled and
stowed away on the Tardis.  The Dr, in a somewhat amnesic/confused
state at the time, just accepted her as his granddaughter.