[net.movies.sw] Parsec rationale?

eich@uiuccsb.UUCP (12/09/83)

uiuccsb!eich    Dec  8 21:59:00 1983

>/***** uiuccsb:net.movies.sw / rlgvax!jack /  7:17 am  Dec  8, 1983 */
>I suppose a parsec of time is the time it takes light to travel
>that far in a vacuum.
>/* ---------- */

I hope not!  A parsec is 3.26 light-years, so FTL travel would be nowhere
near as quick as depicted in SW.

Now for some real fine problems for sticklers:

1. The interior dimensions and floorplan of the Millenium Falcon are
   not consistent with the full size exterior or the model (which two
   are, however, consistent).

2. How did the MF in TESB get from the Hoth system (where the Imperial
   Fleet broke up) to Bespin without violating the canons of FTL over
   relativity which Lucas otherwise followed and incorporated so
   transparently into the SW universe?  Looks like plotting slop.

Isn't nit-picking fun?