rigney@uokvax.UUCP (12/19/83)
#R:bbncca:-38100:uokvax:12300006:000:650 uokvax!rigney Dec 16 14:40:00 1983 After Empire Strikes Back, we all thought it would be neat if in the final scene, where Luke is standing behind Leia, with a grim expression on his face; he pulls his light saber, which is now red, and slashes it down at her head. Just before it connects, the frame freezes, the credits roll, and the audience has to wait 3 years to find out if Luke has Really turned evil. I always considered the colors to reflect the nature of the user, although the more reasonable explanation is that the wielder just builds it with whatever wavelength he favors. Or perhaps certain wavelengths are easier for certain mindsets. Carl ..!ctvax!uokvax!rigney