[net.movies.sw] SW piracy

LRC.HJJH@UTEXAS-20.ARPA (01/22/84)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SW Bootlegging ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Are there bootleg video-cassette copies of TESB and ROTJ available?
Of \course/ there are!  Even if every single projectionist in the
nation was of Lensman integrity--ha!--I saw newspaper reports of at
least 2 thefts of theatre prints.  (In comparison with what pirated
copies of SW-IV was going for in the latter months of 1977, I hear
they're fairly cheap, with ROTJ the cheaper.  Even blackmarket
customers have SOME aesthetic discrimination.)

But Lucasfilm is MIGHTY tetchy about the matter, and nobody in his
right mind will admit possession.  Especially not on SF-LOVERS!  (It's
criminal, for one thing, which is ab-so-lute-ly verboten on the net,
and for another, \we/ all DO have Lensman integrity.)