porter@inuxd.UUCP (J Porter) (12/02/83)
This here is a reprint of an article that I posted a while back. It describes what the Midnite/PAPER is and where to get it. As a news flash, the Midnite/PAPER will be available in your local B. Dalton or Waldon Bookstore this month. Look for it. Are you getting tired of all the fat in COMPUTE! Magazine? Are you confused about what software is really worth getting? Do you want the straight poop? Then you sound like you need a subscription to the Midnite/PAPER. I had been involved with the people that put this top grade magazine out when I was getting my MSEE at the UofI (Illinois, that is). For some reason, after graduating, I let my subscription run out, but recently decided that I ought to re-subscribe, and boy am I glad I did. The Midnite/PAPER is published by a couple of United Methodist Ministers in Central Illinois. The content is not religious, but I just thought that it was amazing that a minister could know more about micros that I do. Specifically, Commodore micros. Jim and Ellen Strasma are the husband and wife editors. Every other month, they write up all the latest gossip on Commodore, plus, and more importantly, they review very candidly almost every piece of software available for Commodore micros. Well, maybe not every piece, but darn near close. They have a little help from regular contributors, of which I used to be one. So if you have a VIC20, 64, PET, CBM, or SuperPET, you won't want to miss a single issue. The group also runs a disk exchange for public domain software and machine language programs that users have submitted (in ASM/TED/MAE format). Also with the Oct/Nov 82 issue the MIDNITE SOFTWARE GAZETTE combined with THE PAPER to form the MIDNITE/PAPER. The PAPER section has handy articles submitted by users. Just prior to this merger, Jim and Ellen published THE WHOLE PET CATALOG - a complete compendium of reviews since the inception of the MIDNITE SOFTWARE GAZETTE in the Fall of 1980. Not only were all the reviews listed here, but the publication gave a complete listing of all public domain software available through the Toronto PET Users Group. (Toronto has turned into the Commodore capital of the world) Now I suppose you're asking yourself how much this costs. Well, subscriptions cost $23 US for six bi-monthly issues and the WHOLE PET CATALOG cost just $8 postpaid. The address is: JIM OLDFIELD THE MIDNITE/PAPER 635 MAPLE MT. ZION, IL 62549 If anyone has any questions about Commodore stuff I can probably answer it. I bought a Commodore before it was fashionable to buy a Commodore Computer. Early 1980, that is, and have expanded my system to have a VIC and 64 as the prices have been made so attractive lately. I will post some tidbits from the Midnite/PAPER from time to time, as my fingers permit, so stay tuned. Jeff Porter (inuxd!porter) AT&T Consumer Products formerly American Bell formerly Bell Laboratories and don't ask me how long this new name will last Indianapolis, IN (317) 845-6214