miller@uiucdcs.UUCP (04/11/84)
#N:uiucdcs:36100072:000:1220 uiucdcs!miller Apr 10 20:04:00 1984 This is the 4th and final note in the c64 kernel memory map series. I hope you have enjoyed it. I've now done two series (floating point and memory map) plus lots of little notes. I plan to do some more series on other topics, but you'll have to wait until summer semester for most of it as I'm just getting too busy at the moment. FA60 store characters FD8E reset pointer FB97 new tape character setup FBA6 toggle tape FBC8 data write FBCD tape write (IRQ) FC57 tape leader write (IRQ) FC93 restore vectors FCB8 set vector FCCA kill tape motor FCD1 check read/write pointer FCDB bump read/write pointer FCE2 cold start (RESET) comes here FD02 check for auto-start cartridge FD15 RESTOR FD1A VECTOR FD30 table of vectors for RESTOR FD50 RAMTAS FD9B IRQ vectors FDA3 IOINIT FDF9 SETNAM FE00 SETLFS FE07 READST FE18 SETMSG FE21 SETTMO FE25 MEMTOP FE34 MEMBOT FE43 warm start (NMI) starts here... FE47 ...and winds up here on default FE66 BRK default eventually gets here FEBC restore and exit FEC2 RS232 timing table FF48 IRQ and BRK start here FF5B empty FF81 jump table for kernel routines FFFA NMI vector FFFC RESET vector FFFE IRQ and BRK vector A. Ray Miller Univ Illinois