[net.micro.cbm] UNIXTERM

judah@hou2h.UUCP (J.KAMINETSKY) (05/08/84)

Is it public domain?
How do you get a copy?
Someone asked me in mail - I don't know. Does anyone?

miller@uiucdcs.UUCP (05/10/84)

uiucdcs!miller    May  9 17:23:00 1984

I promised myself I would never do this again, but ...
In response to your question, unixterm is a VT-52 terminal emulation program
for the c64.  It allows full screen facilities for vi, more, rogue, etc.  It
also redefines the char set so you can use and see things like _ | { } \, etc.
It is not public domain, but the author said net users could have a free copy.
If you want a copy, send me a disk along with a self addressed *stamped* disk
mailer.  Expect a delay as the last time I got a bunch of requests and I'm
trying to finish off a thesis at the moment.  In the future, please send ques-
tions about this program to me via mail and not to the net.  If the public
discussions ever die out, maybe it won't be such a time sink.  Who knows -
maybe I will even add upload/download if that happens.
(BTW, we are starting conversion to 4.2bsd so mail in the next week or so might
not get here.  You know how system conversions sometimes go.)

A. Ray Miller
Daniels Hall #494
1010 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Put something like this in file .cshrc
alias c64 "setenv TERMCAP /mntb/1/lawrie/miller/.c64;setenv TERM c64;set term = c64;stty -tabs"

Put this in file .c64
# The following entry provides for destructive
# backspace for the "terminal5" software for c64,
# VT-52 type cursor motion, reverse scroll,
# and codes for use of the cursor control keys:
qc|c64|C64|Commodore 64:co#40:li#25:\
        :cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\