[net.micro.cbm] Word Processing &64

wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (05/17/84)

I have owned my 1541 for nearly a year, and have just had to repair it
when I rode it into the ground during a 12 hour computing session.  It
cost $60 to repair (repair by local company) and seems to be working OK
now.  By current list prices, I still have spent less than the price of
an MSD drive.  I suggest waiting for the new 1542 drive, which has the
same specs but replaces the idiotic disk clamp system with a "turn lever
to latch" type.

I have used the Gazette program, "Speedscript", quite a bit, and am happy
with it (especially for the price).  I have written up to 20 page documents
with it, and my only complaint is that the insert function is very slow
if you insert something near the beginning of a long document.  One 
glitch I've found, the first time after powerup that I try to print a
document, the printer dumps some garbage first.  It works normally after

For a printer, unless you have specific need for true letter quality, I 
suggest sticking with dot matrix.  My Gemini 10X cost $290 (plus $70 for
CARDCO-G interface) and has good print quality, expecially in the    
Doublestrike/emphasised modes.  The advantage of a dot matrix is, of course,
speed.  That 20 page document I refered to earlier printed out in about
twenty minutes, at about 60 CPS.  The equivalent time required for a 13 CPS
daisy wheel is left as an exercise for the student.  A daisy wheel is 
also obviously much better for program listings, too.
			   Ron Wanttaja