[net.micro.cbm] 1702 cable flame

long@ittvax.UUCP (07/24/84)

	I'm really burning now.......................

	I have had a C64 for over a year (to use as a terminal, develop
	assignments for courses, light word-processing, and of course, games)
	1541 disk drive, Gemini 10X printer, CPM card, Vicmodem, etc, etc.
	I had always used a color television with the computer before but
	recently decided to move the TV into another room for normal use.
	I decided to purchase a Commodore color monitor (I also had a secret
	desire to have better resolution when using a public domain vt100
	emulation package that simulates 80 columns in software thru graphics.
	The prog is avail. on Compuserve.).


	I went down to the local ####-#-## store and purchased one.  The ads
	there said "compatible with your Commodore computer".  This would lead
	one to think one could purchase said item, bring it home, and plug it
	in, right? NO!!!!!!!!!  The manual says that, depending on the type of
	C64 you purchased you must use an 8-pin cable that plugs into the back
	of the monitor (new type) or a 5-pin cable that plugs into the front
	(old type) of the unit.  The 8-pin separate into 3 RCA type plugs at
	the monitor end and provides better color; the 5-pin only provides 2
	plugs for the monitor (audio and video).

	The problem is this: I was only provided with the 8-pin plug but I must
	have one of the older machines.  I searched the box for the other cable
	to no avail.  I went back to the store I bought the monitor from the
	next day.  They were helpful and searched the remaining monitors,
	but no 5-pin cable.

	No one seems to have this item.  The store said that their previous
	shipment contained both cables in each box.  Shouldn't Commodore make
	sure this item is available if they bill the 1702 as a monitor for the
	C64 (I don't care what model).


	There, I feel much better.
