[net.micro.cbm] C compiler for C-64

bahilchie@water.UUCP (Brian Hilchie) (01/07/85)

Some time ago I mentioned in passing that I had written a C compiler for
the C-64.  I received many messages asking for details. To those people
I have not replied I apologize; I have been very busy these last few months.
More recently a request for information about a compiler from Pro-Line
Software was posted. These compilers are one and the same. Since there 
seems to be some interest I am posting this description.

The compiler package will likely come on two disks and will include the
compiler, a linker, a library, and an easy-to-use screen editor/syntax checker.
One disk drive is required, though more may be used. Some other details


     - nearly complete K&R implementation
     - compiles C to relocatable 6502 machine code
     - separate compilation supported
     - produces stand-alone programs - no shell required


     - contains about 80 titles (and counting)
     - most common UNIX library functions are included


     - four-way scrolling
     - cut and paste
     - search and search and replace
     - can hold up to ten files in memory
     - supports C characters:  { } \ ~ | _
     - checks programs for syntax errors

The last time I asked Pro-Line they estimated that the price will be
about $100 U.S. and $130 Canadian. I don't know when they plan to release it.
If you wish more information please mail me at the address below. I promise
to answer all mail, or to post if there are many responses. I will also 
post updates on the price and release date if there is enough interest.

Brian Hilchie