joe@loonam.UUCP (Joseph R. Mann) (02/13/85)
Greetings, I have a friend that I am trying to enlighten about the greatness of unix. Unfortunately the only thing he has to use as a terminal, is a Vic-20, running Vic Term 1. Does anyone here have a good way to shrink the screen length to 20 characters or less, for normal I/O? I tried the 'pr' utility, but it wants to chop everything off after 20 characters. Any help will be greatly appreciated. (Thanks in advance)
roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) (02/18/85)
> Does anyone here have a good way to shrink the screen > length to 20 characters or less, for normal I/O? Assuming you have a terminfo (or possibly termcap) description for the VIC, and you have CCA Emacs (possibly other versions, too) try setting the screen width variable to 20 and running a shell in a window. -- The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Public Health Research Institute. {decvax,ihnp4}!vax135!timeinc\ >!phri!roy (Roy Smith) {allegra,rocky2}!cubsvax/