[net.micro.cbm] Help for broken C64

lenoil@mit-eddie.UUCP (Robert Scott Lenoil) (03/23/85)

From: Donald Jeanblanc AMSTE-CMA 3271 <djeanbl@apg-1>
To: lenoil@mit-eddie.ARPA
Cc: djeanbl@apg-1

I saw your msg on KERMIT and the Commodore 64 and since I am new to
this net, I thought I would see if you could give some help.  I recently bought
a Commodore 64 and drive which had a problem.  The power supply works fine,
but the screen blinks at a uniform rate and is objectionable--obviously not the
correct performance.  I suspect the peripheral interface chip/s.  I understand
Commodore doesnt sell its chips.  Here are the questions: Is there anyway 
to get the chips I need, short of running an advertisement for used equipment? 
  Do you know the numbers for the various chips and their functions?

     I would appreciate any answer, or referral to someone who might be able
to provide further light.

      Thanks---- Don

 I have forwarded this mail as a favor to someone who can't post news.  Mail
 replies to djeanbl@apg-1.arpa.  Thanx -Rob)