[net.micro.cbm] C-Power bug report

prindle@nadc (06/19/85)

From: prindle@NADC

I've been relatively unsuccessful in reporting the following bugs in C-Power
to the appropriate authorities (even using Pro-Line's own BBS):

1. The "modf" function does not return the correct value for the whole part of
   the floating point argument; the fractional part is ok.

2. The compiler gives an undefined name error when attempting to compile a
   pair of struct templates which reference each other, yielding a self
   referential structure when the structure tag from one template is used
   to declare an actual structure (perfectly legal C):

	...  /*program fragment*/
	struct nodelink
	   struct node *previous;	<--ERROR IS INDICATED HERE
	   struct node *next;
	   } ;
	struct node
	   int datum;
	   struct nodelink link;
	   } ;
	struct node item1; /*these nodes contain pointers to other nodes*/
	struct node item2;

3. The compiler gives a syntax error after the closing brace of this
   incredibly simple (and legal) C program (read page 52 of Kernighan and

	  int i;
	  int j=1;
	  int k=2;
	  if (j==1)
	    if (k==2)

All of the above errors occur in both versions 2.4 and 2.5.  So, if Brian
Hilchie or anyone else related to C-Power is watching this list, please note
the aforementioned bugs so they can get fixed in the next update!