[net.micro.cbm] Chicago C BBS???

garyh@iddic.UUCP (Gary Hanson) (07/11/85)

   Does anyone know what's happened to the C BBS in Chicago that's mentioned
in the C Power docs? It seems to not be there anymore.
     Gary Hanson   Tektronix IDG   ...!tektronix!iddic!garyh

dwl10@amdahl.UUCP (Dave Lowrey) (07/12/85)

>    Does anyone know what's happened to the C BBS in Chicago that's mentioned
> in the C Power docs? It seems to not be there anymore.
>      Gary Hanson   Tektronix IDG   ...!tektronix!iddic!garyh

Try their Canadian BBS. It's at 416 276-6811. It is alot better
than the Chicago one ever was.
                               Dave Lowrey

"To vacillate or not to vacillate, that is the question....
 ....or is it?"

[ The opinions expressed <may> be those of the author and not necessarily
  those of his most eminent employer. ]

mab@druca.UUCP (BlandMA) (07/12/85)

>>   Does anyone know what's happened to the C BBS in Chicago that's mentioned
>>in the C Power docs? It seems to not be there anymore.

About 2 weeks ago there was a message on the Toronto C-Power BBS about a
hardware problem with the Chicago BBS.  I guess it's still broken, or
they've given up.