[net.micro.cbm] Disk Power-Up Rule for the 1541

awinterb@udenva.UUCP (Art Winterbauer) (07/10/85)

According to the 1541 disk manual, the drive should be turned on before
the computer is powered up.  If the drive is turned off, it should not
be turned on again until the computer has been powered off.

Questions:  What happens if you connect all your equipment to a power bus
	    for simultaneous power-up?  What kind of damage can happen
	    to the computer if the power-on rule is violated?

brown@nicmad.UUCP (07/13/85)

In article <747@udenva.UUCP> awinterb@udenva.UUCP (Art Winterbauer) writes:
>According to the 1541 disk manual, the drive should be turned on before
>the computer is powered up.  If the drive is turned off, it should not
>be turned on again until the computer has been powered off.
>Questions:  What happens if you connect all your equipment to a power bus
>	    for simultaneous power-up?  What kind of damage can happen
>	    to the computer if the power-on rule is violated?

There has been lots of things said about this power-up stuff.  If you
have only one drive, then it can be done in any order, or even both
at the same time.  I have done it without any trouble.  But, if you have
two 1541 disk drives, then the computer must be first, then one drive,
wait until the lights go out, then turn on the 2nd disk drive.  In this
case the power strip turn on won't work.  If you have to turn the computer
off and have two disk drives, the drives must also be turned off and
turned back on as mentioned.

If you have one 1541 and turn off the disk drive, the computer DOES NOT
have to be turned off.  I have reset the drive plenty of times by turning
it off and then back on, without turning of the 64.

No damage can be done.  The only things that happen is the handshaking
that goes on at power-up can get locked up, hence the normal rule of
turning them on one at a time.
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