gene@uicsl.UUCP (09/27/85)
I recently tried "PLUS/TERM"(FEB.'85 COMPUTE!) in combination with "screen-80"(COMPUTE'S GAZETTE) and was very impressed with all the features ...i.e. 80-column upper/lower case, UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD including true ASCII to and from buffer, disk, or screen; many nice menu-driven features including changing(customizing) either or both, outgoing or incoming ASCII codes. BUT I was disappointed to find that although if will download upper/lower case ASCII properly via modem, it uploads only UPPER-case ASCII via RS-232 (modem). All other functions work properly in upper/lower (although, as hinted in COMPUTE!, I had to add ,7 to line 1900 as a secondary address for my MPS-802 printer). BUT I have a letter-quality RS-232 printer, so I am wondering if anyone can suggest any method of modifying the program to provide upper/lower ASCII uploading via RS-232 port? (It is not a mattter of of a proper printer-command, because it also sends CAPS to a host com- puter file via modem.....also, printer works fine on EASY SCRIPT word pro- cessor). Also, does anyone have a TERMCAP for this program that will work on "vi" 4.2 BSD Unix? (I reprogram the delete key to send ASCII(8) and convert the echoed-back (8) to (20)...for backspace, and reprogram a key to send ESC (ASCII-27) so that it at least works in OPEN MODE "vi". It works nicely at 300-baud but I could never get it to work properly at 1200-baud. TNX!