[net.micro.cbm] c64 and pc interfaces

bhf@mtuxo.UUCP (b.freedman) (12/24/85)

I have a c64 that I have been using with EASYSCRIPT.
I am considering purchasing an AT&T PC.  If I do so, how difficult
will it be to transfer text files on disk from one operating system to
the other.  I do have access to the UNIX mainframe at the office, so I
can do some up/downloading from the PC to UNIX, if that would help.

Thanks in advance for any advice.  Barry

pugsly@isrnix.UUCP (David A. Roth) (12/24/85)

If you just want to transfer text from the C64 to the PC I highly suggest
getting a copy of KERMIT for both
machines and you can do the
transfer either direct with a modem
cable or over the phone lines via
a modem.
I have used KERMIT on my C64 so far to exchange files with UNIX and CDC 855
running NOS with no problems.
David A. Roth