jrl@sdcarl.UUCP (07/27/86)
In RUN magazine in the last couple of months of 1984 appeared a database mailing label program called "datafile". In early 1985 a program called "dfrestructure" was published in RUN that allowed the user to restructure the format of existing data files. My copy of "dfrestructure" got crunched the other day and I can't seem to locate the magazine issue that it was published in. If you have access to this program I would like to obtain a copy. E-mail would be fine. Thanks in advance. -- J. Robert Lee {ucbvax,ihnp4,akgua,hplabs,sdcsvax}!sdcarl!jrl (619) 455-5400 By the way I am trying to sell a car: 1970 VW BUG $800 runs well and looks ok, nice interior.