[net.micro.cbm] Printer Cables and Ramblings

arp@oucs.UUCP (John Gordos) (08/15/86)

       Hello All,
       I'm in a pickle.   I bought a Smith Corona Printer to use with my
    C64 and never once did I think to check if it had a Centronics interface.
    Well, guess what... It doesn't.   So I'm faced with the unenviable task of
    making the interfacing cable myself...Serial TTL levels to Serial RS232
    levels via a standard RS232 port.  What I need to know is:

          Has anyone done this?  I have tried repeatedly to use op-amps and
          I *think* I had it right on my last try, but the printer is not
          printing what I expect it to be printing.  Is there any way I can
          check to see what the printer is getting?

          Can anyone suggest a printer cable that will work?  I've looked 
          through the ads in the Commodore dedicated magazines, and I've 
          only seen one ad...  that being from Omnitronics (sp?) and they
          couldn't decide if it was $49.95 or $79.95 in the same ad.  That
          makes me unsure as to the quality of the product.

      Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.  
      E-Mail is preferable, although others may be interested.

                                               John A. Gordos, III
                "Well.....Uh,  Yeah."
		John A. Gordos, III

dwl10@amdahl.UUCP (Dave Lowrey) (08/19/86)

Cardco makes a serial to RS232 interface. Don't know the price, but
they sell it at Toys-<backwards>R-Us.
                               Dave Lowrey

"So it goes, so it goes, so it goes, so it goes. But where it's
 going, nobody knows"   [Nick Lowe]

[ The opinions expressed <may> be those of the author and not necessarily
  those of his most eminent employer. ]