sean1@garfield.UUCP (10/01/86)
Recently, I have posted two articles here, telling of my misfortunes with the graphic commands of my C-128. Then, Saturday, I took the program to an authorized dealer near here and ran the program to see if MY 128 had gone kerblooey! The program ran fine. Boy was I incensed! Then I realized that there was a fundamental difference between the 128 in the store and mine. Mine has an ACCESS Mach 128 cartridge sticking out of the rear. Now this cartridge has served me well and only recently did I realize that it was not the perfect speed-up cart. It works with most of the games I have, with the exception of two or three. But it definitely does NOT work with Proline C Power for the C-64. It destroys the BAM whenever a write is used in the shell. And now, I see that the cart renders useless, some of the most useful graphics commands in the 128 mode. I am here to tell you to disengage the Mach 128 cartridge if you are going to do any extensive graphics programming in Basic 7.0. P.S. I would like to add, here, that any anger that I had over the malfunction of MY 128 has gone. Now I am mad at ACCESS software. /~~~~~\ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |/ / \ \| | UUCP: {akgua,allegra,cbosgd,ihnp4,mcvax,utesri}!garfield!sean1 | (|-@-@-|) | CDNNET: sean1@garfield.mun.cdn | \| ^ |/ | Sean Huxter | | \_/ | | Apt. 420, 235 Blackmarsh Rd., St. John's, NF, Canada | \___/ |(Can YOU say NEWFOUNDLAND, boys and girls?) (and pronounce it?) | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The opinions expressed here will be put to a general vote and the results will be posted. Stand by...