[net.rec.nude] Pointers to popular nude beaches, etc?

gnu (04/06/83)

I have often wished I had a guide to the nude beaches around the SF Bay.
I know that some exist but only found one last year (by meeting someone
who knew).  Many other people must be in the same boat.

This beach is well sheltered from prying eyes by being a few hundred feet
down from the road and in a small cove.  There's a reasomable amount of
parking and the people seem pretty friendly.  The only trouble is, 
I don't know its location other than "go along Rt 1 north from SF to close
to Bodega Bay and stop at the nude beach".  Hopefully you Gentle Readers
will have better directions to submit.  I'll try to better this
description and repost later if people end up interested.

	John Gilmore, Sun Microsystems

kar (04/09/83)

	We're in Rochester, New York, and it's sort of a long drive to SF from
here.  We need pointers to nude beaches that are a little more local.