[net.rec.nude] ASA

charliep@tekgds.UUCP (08/14/83)

I have received mail asking about the ASA, but I thought that it might
be of general interest so I'll answer it here.

The ASA stands for the American Sunbathing Association, and is the
"establishment" nudist organization in North America.  There are many
ASA club parks all over the USA and Canada, and they mostly welcome visitors.
To join the ASA, one usually joins a club, but there are associate
memberships available for people who do not live near a club.
The ASA supports mainly NUDE activities at landed clubs (notice
I did not say clothing optional).  Many ASA clubs do not own their
own facilities, but instead make arrangments to use the facilities
of other nearby various clubs, or perhaps facilities controlled
by their members (like a family hot tub or a public gymnasium).
These kind of clubs are called travel clubs, or, now, "non-landed"

I can recommend that you visit ASA clubs whenever you get a chance.
Their facilities are usually quite nice, and the people are friendly,
and genuinely committed to a nude lifestyle.

However, the ASA is controlled by the club owners, who get votes proportional
to the number of members in their club.  That is, it is an oligarchy.
Some clubs also have their members appoint the delegates, but I believe
there are clubs whose owners are the delegates.  Since the only time
these electors can change anything is at a conventions, nothing usually
gets done.  I have just come back from the 52nd National convention
in Eugene Oregon, and it is fair to say that at least they are trying.
I suspect that their political process can not possibly adapt to
the rapidity of change in today's world.  Moreover, most of the
electors are getting old (aren't we all!)

However, the thing that gripes me the most is that the ASA is overly
cautious, and nearly paranoid about preserving their supposed
"apple-pie" image.  The mere suggestion of homosexuality or
free love at an ASA camp will make you unpopular.  They seem to
believe that they must be very careful not to offend ol' John Q. Public
out there, because otherwise J. Helms, J. Falwell, and R. Reagan
will somehow erase all their freedoms hard-won over the last 50 years.
Just as an aside, it was an ASA case decided in the Supreme Court
that opened the doors for Playboy, Penthouse, etc. somewhere
back in the late 50's.  That was the last "progressive" thing I think
the ASA has ever done, and boy are they sensitive about it.  Please
forgive me if I am incorrect on this, I am speaking only from memory.

In summary, do yourself a favor and share a beautiful weekend with
somebody at your nearby ASA park.  Don't expect anyone there to help
you change the world, though.

Charles Perkins

PS.  As usual, I have plenty of information about clubs in most
     areas of the country (I have the Nudist park guides, and a lot
     of other references).  Let me know if you want an address near you.

PPS. In my opinion, the fun part is getting naked.  The ASA places
     HEAVY emphasis on the health aspects of sunbathing.  Too bad
     about skin cancer, isn't it!  Does anyone else agree that much
     of the physical health of nudism results from stress relief and
     other psychological factors?