[net.rec.nude] clothes

majka@ubc-visi (10/10/83)

From: Marc Majka <majka@ubc-vision.UUCP>

> Clothes make the man.

Clothes may make you, friend, but naturists regard human dignity and value
as innate qualities.  Neither suit, sex, nor colour of skin have any bearing
on them.  If your opinion of yourself changes with your socks, then my pity
goes to you.

> Naked people have little or no influence on society.

While it is arguable what influence naked people have on society (remember
"Hair" and "Oh Calcutta!"?),  Naturists - naked or clothed - are people who:

1 enjoy unencumbered recreation

2 are not ashamed of the human body nor think it obscene, rather, they
  regard the body as simply natural

3 believe in innate human dignity.

Naturists have an influence on society just as any other group of people who
hold common values and follow common pursuits.

charliep@tekgds.UUCP (10/14/83)

Some well-acculturated American recently proclaimed that
	"Clothes make the man".
I say, instead, that "Men make the clothes", which is true in any of its
several interpretations.

In fact, I propose that the former cliche is one of the more
anti-humanist and anti-human falsehoods that have plagued human societies.

Q. Do you think that usenet communication gives you a truer understanding
   of other correspondents than might be obtained by seeing how they dress,
   or even how they FAIL TO dress?

To further rebut the cliche that prompted my response, I submit that
indeed, wearing no clothes provides people with a cogent and immediate
*sense* of their human nature! (not to mention a pleasant escape from
being "clothed-minded")  I am assuming for the sake of kindness that the
use of "man" in the cliche does not specify sex.

Or, indeed, "No clothes make the man".

Charles Perkins

PS. To userid riddle (who was made by clothes) -- you ought to check out
    Lake Travis for skinnydipping.  I envy your geographical proximity
    to this beautiful recreation area.
PPS. I would be VERY LIKELY (other things being equal) to vote for someone
     who ran for political office naked.  Such a person, I suspect, would
     be likely to represent an entirely new way of thinking to our other
     cowardly legislators.  The point about naked people having little
     influence on world affairs, however, overlooks the fact that many
     influential people run around naked during times when they are not
     exercising their powers (i.e, for relaxation).

laura@utcsstat.UUCP (Laura Creighton) (10/23/83)

Anyone want to argue about whether I am idiosyncric or not? Good. I am.
One of the things I do not do is throw out the unmatched sock when I lose
one to the washing-machine-black-hole. After all, it is a nice sock. Another
thing I do not do is fold my socks together. This takes a lot of time. So
at the crack of afternoon (when I am dragging myself out of bed) I stick
my hand into my sock/underwear drawer and pull out the first 2 socks that
are about the same length.

Okay. this means that I have about 0% chance of getting a matched pair of
socks. It has probably been years since this event has occurred spontaneously.

Now, for some reason, I get more abuse over my socks than over any of the
rest of my appearance, which is unlikely to please any of the fashion 
conscious any of the time. I have always wondered. "Why do my socks tee
people off so much?" I mean, on alternate Thursdays when still very sleepy
I can almost image why people might conceivably think that "the clothes
make a man" but the SOCKS?

Does the fact that a lot of them are brightly striped matter?

How come it bothers my mother who will tolerate almost *anything* ??

Laura Creighton