[net.rec.nude] HERE ?

Anonymous@isrnix.UUCP (12/15/83)

isrnix!Anonymous    Dec  9 00:30:00 1983

combo lost - consult your local guru
combo lost - consult your local guru
ing the winter? Does anyone have 
enough floorspace for an indoor mini tournament?  (Any and all suggestions 
welcome... I'm going thru withdrawal.]xin tediteranian.  As a lake sailer, this sounds like a good way
to tanyone pur-ee	ihnp4!u1100s!dad
00sWest Marine?  I'm looking for two #24s; their quot#

ber@gummo.UUCP (12/16/83)

gummo!ber    Dec 16 01:24:00 1983

	Wow!!  Cosmic! Who thought it could happen in net.rec.nude?