[net.pets] newsgroup traditions

stan (03/30/83)

This new newsgroup should at least try to carry on the tradition of
other newsgroups.  Of course, I am talking about meaningful dialog.
What this newsgroup needs is a debate of dogs & cats.  Remember BigMac
vs. Whopper?  Remember "{ on the same line" vs. "{ on the next line"?

Every new newsgroup must go through this rite of passage.

So, post your opinions.  Do you think cats are better than dogs, or
dogs better than cats?

		Stan King			phone: 201-386-7433
		Bell Labs, Whippany, NJ		Cornet:  8+232-7433
		room 2A-111			uucp:	 floyd!stan

joe (03/31/83)

Never one to scoff at traditions, and certain of the value of rites of
passage, here goes--dogs vs. cats:

The real difference here is one of personality.  As we all (?) know, dogs
are affectionate, friendly, and dependent, while cats are aloof, disdainful,
and independent.  The result is that, to some people, cats seem more
intelligent (although not necessarily more clever) and more mysterious.  This
has a great deal of appeal to some (including myself).  They're also softer.
Dogs tend to be a lot of fun; they enjoy play, while cats have a different
concept of play [mock combat, with occasional loss of context about the
mock part].  I don't think that either is especially easier to care for, from
what I've heard.

Sorry if I haven't been sufficiently rabid (pun intended), but I just thought
I'd start things off on a low-key note (E-flat).

				Not afraid to reveal my preferences,

mark (04/01/83)

if we are going to have a pet-merits debate in this group (and i don't 
recommend it myself, but that doesn't mean i know enough to keep quiet), then
let's at least get the topic right.  debating dogs vs cats is even more 
nit-picking than big macs vs whoppers (-: can you really tell the difference
between a large pekingese and a small persian? :-).  

reptiles are clearly superior to mammals as pets.

			univ of toronto

ps.  i presently have three snakes, two turtles, four salamanders, one
crayfish, one tree frog, and a few fish that that damned salamaner larva
hasn't eaten yet.  i have in the past kept dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, mice,
gerbils, guniea pigs, and a variety of non-mammalian vertebrates and
invertebrates, not all of which i could identify. 

kar (04/02/83)

	I don't remember where I first heard it, but I liked this comparison
between cats and dogs.  (Opinion below not necessarily shared by poster, I just
like it.)

	Cats look down on people.  Dogs look up to them.  I like pigs.  They
don't care about people at all.

	(Posted by) Ken Reek, Rochester NY