[net.pets] cosmetics

twt@uicsl.UUCP (02/28/84)

uicsl!twt    Feb 27 17:49:00 1984

         Something I picked up at my friendly neighborhood humane society.
         (Champaign County Humane Society.)

         The cosmetic industry uses four basic tests on animals.  They are:
         eye irritation or Draize test, shampoos and cosmetics are put into
         rabbits eyes which are fastened open.  The chemical causes
         blistering, swelling and blindness.  The pain often becomes so
         intense that the rabbit breaks its back trying to get away from
         it.  Skin irritation test, the test animal has an area of its back
         stripped of fur and the test product repeatedly rubbed into the
         bare skin area causing rash, pain and swelling.  LD/50 test
         (Lethal Dose 50% die), cosmetics are force fed to test animals to
         determine the amount necessary to cause 50% of them to die in
         severe agony from such things as organ blockage, toxic reaction
         and convulsions.  Inhalation test, animals are placed in small
         boxes and sprayed repeatedly in the face for a 2 1/2 hour period,
         then killed and their tissues examined.  Remember this when you
         purchase cosmetics and select a brand that doesn't test on live

         The following list of cosmetic companies has been compiled by the
         Animal Protection Institute of America.  Use it when purchasing
         cosmetics and other possible animal tested products such as
         toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, talcum, hand lotion, lipstick, eye
         cosmetics, face creams, hair conditioners, perfumes and colognes.
         If the product is on the list of animal tested products below
         don't buy and tell your dealer why and then take time to write the
         company and tell them also.


         Barth's                       Alberto Culver
         Beauty Without Cruelty        Almay Corporation
         British-American Cosmetics,   Amway Corporation
           Ltd.                        Elizabeth Arden
         Campana Corp, Ltd.            Avon Products, Inc.
         Comfort Manufacturing Co.     Ayerst Laboratories
         Compton & Knowles Co.         Bonne Bell
         Con-Stan Industries, Intl.    John H. Breck
         Cosmetic Creations, Inc.      Bristol-Meyers
         Dodge Chemical Co.            Carter-Wallace, Inc.
         Duke Laboratories             Catteu Drug and Chemical
         Fashion Twenty-Two            Charles of the Ritz
         Dorothy Gray                  Chesebrough-Ponds Co.
         Hain Pure Food Co.            Clairol, Inc.
         Hickok - A Man's Company      Clinique Laboratories, Inc.
         Houbigant, Inc.               Coty Products
         Humphreys Pharmacal, Inc.     Helene Curtis Industries
         Lander Co., Inc.              Dana Perfumes, Inc.
         Melton International, Inc.    Estee Lauder, Inc.
         Mennen Corp.                  Mary Kay Cosmetics
         Mohawk Brush Co.              Max Factor
         Shaklee Products              Gillette Co.
         Roberts-L.E.Robert Co Inc     Andrew Jergens Co.
         Velvet Products Co.           Jhirmack
         Vitabath, Inc.                Johnson & Johnson
         Yardley                       LaMaur, Inc.
                                       Mem Co., Inc.
                                       Noxell Corporation
                                       Olay Co.
                                       Revlon, Inc.
                                       Roche Laboratories
                                       Helena Rubinstein
                                       Warner Lambert
                                       Zotos International

Just thought you might like to know.
