joe@ccice6.UUCP (Joe DiBenedetto II) (02/05/85)
joe@ccice6.UUCP (Joe DiBenedetto II) (02/05/85)
For Sale. Lhasa Apso, female. She is 2 years old and in full coat. She is a dark red color and about 14 lbs. We call her Lindey and she is fully hpuse trained. I am looking for a pet home for her. She has currently 5 Canadian points. She is for sale under co-ownership only for $250.00. For more info call Joe DiBenedetto at Computer Consoles or at home at area code 716-342-1384. Interested buyers only. *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE ***
joe@ccice6.UUCP (Joe DiBenedetto II) (02/05/85)
> For Sale. Lhasa Apso, female. She is 2 years old and in full coat. > She is a dark red color and about 14 lbs. We call her Lindey and is completely house trained. I have taken her to Canada andshe is fully house trained. I am looking for a g > has currently 5 Canadian points. She is for sale under co-ownership > only for $250.00. For more info call Joe DiBenedetto at Computer Consoles > or at home at area code 716-342-1384. Interested buyers only. > *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE ***
joe@ccice6.UUCP (Joe DiBenedetto II) (02/05/85)
Sorry for the error in my last article. The way it should go is as follows. For Sale female Lhasa Apso. Red/Gold with black tips. She is 2 years old and completely house broken. I have currently put 5 Canadian points on her towards her Canadian Championship. We are looking for a special pet home for her because she would rather be a pet Lhasa instead of a show Lhasa. She is very friendly and is very good with children. The price is $250.00 / with a co-ownership deal only. I am looking for a very serious buyer and I hope I get it on the net. She is worth every penny of the asking price and nothing less. If you are interested in having a nice Lhasa pet please call me at area code 716 342-1384 as soon as possible Joe DiBenedetto Rochester, New York 482-5000 ext 2797