[net.pets] house breaking puppies

cushner@ttidcb.UUCP (Jeffrey Cushner) (02/15/85)

To avoid the problem of your huskie chewing up the bathroom when you're
away, and  this goes for all dog owners house breaking a puppy, the
best thing to do is consider the purchase of a crate.  We're not
talking about an orange crate or the like, but the kind of pet carrier
crate that is built of plastic with a roof and a locking door on one

Dogs and puppies feel secure in close surroundings and will usually
just sleep while you're gone.  Also their instinct will prevent them
from urinating or defecating unless they *just* can't hold it anymore.

This factor shortens the time it takes to housebreak, since, upon
letting them out you can take them directly to their area, give the
proper command (whatever you decide on) to do their thing, and,
they'll do it right where you want (no cleaning up!).

If you feel like making a crate for yourself, it is important that
you put a roof on it!  Without one, the puppy will just get furious
trying to get out. (no security)

One more thing for now:  Be sure to praise your puppy tremendously
AS s/he is in the act!

I've barely touched on this subject, but I hope it helps somewhat.


			  Jeff Cushner
			  Santa Monica CA