ganns@hound.UUCP (R.GANNS) (12/10/85)
I noticed once when taking pets by plane that the pet cage is brought out onto the loading area in the midst of screaming jet engines; the loading process can take aw while too. I wonder what that noise level does to the animals; the cargo attendants all have ear protectors on. I wouldn't be surprised if the noise damaged the animals' ears. As far as I know, airlines will require proof of recent vaccination along with the animal. It's also a good idea to tape a note onto the cage stating when the animal was last fed/watered and when it will need same again. I seem to recall a story several years back about a man who shipped a prize show dog by jet. The airline gorillas put the dog in an unpressurized cargo hold. At the other end, when the owner received his dog in very dead condition, he grabbed a fire axe out of the terminal, ran out onto the runway, and started hacking holes in the plane, doing some 100,000 $ worth of damage. The airline declined to press charges.