LIN%mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (08/02/83)
From: Herb Lin <LIN@mit-mc> how do you do this? In particular, if I have an ASM file which I then want to link to a transient command (or even another .COM file) complete with filename as argument, how can i do this? it is possible at all?
GRUPP%mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (08/02/83)
From: Paul R. Grupp <GRUPP@mit-mc> Yes, it is possible... How depends on WHICH CCP you are using... If you're using the "standard" D.R. CCP you fill the command buffer at CCP+6 with the command, then restart the ccp with a RETURN rather than a jump to 0000 which does a warm-boot. you put in UPPER case the command line at CCP+8 and the COUNT of command characters at CCP+7. CCP+6 is the MAXIMUM number of characters the buffer will hold and is usually 80 or more. This is the same for ZCPR1... BUT *NOT* ZCPR 2 if using "external command buffer"... If you are using ZCPR2 look at the MENU program or the ZCPR2 doc for details. --Paul
rconn@brl@sri-unix.UUCP (08/02/83)
From: Rick Conn <rconn@brl> Paul Grupp's comments are well-taken. There are a couple of alternatives, however, which work regardless of the CCP being used: 1) create a $$$.SUB file (on the correct drive) which contains the command line. See SUPERSUB.ASM or SUB2.ASM (in the ZCPR2 set) for details. Note that the option to execute disk-based command files has to be turned on for ZCPR2. 2) write a CHAIN routine, which loads the FCBs, TBUFF area, and program, and then chains to it as tho the CCP loaded the program -- the new SYSLIB will have this facility in two forms: one for conventional CP/M and the other for ZCPR2 with the MCL facility; I haven't released the new SYSLIB yet, but it will probably go out in a month or so (if all goes well) Rick