[net.micro.cpm] MDM712 now available on MC

W8SDZ@mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (08/05/83)

From:  Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@mit-mc>

MDM712, the latest version of the MODEM7 series, is now
available on MIT-MC in:

M712AC ASM, M712AL ASM, M712AP ASM, M712DP ASM, M712GP ASM, M712H8 ASM,
and MDM712 UPD.

Also available for those who cannot FTP "COM" files from MC:
   AR13:CPM;MDM712 HEX

Additional detailed information follows, excerpted from MDM712.INF
and MDM712.UPD:


       This program is based on one originally written by Ward Christ-
ensen in September 1977.  It has since undergone a considerable number
of changes.  Recent changes include auto-dialing and continuous redial-
ing for the Hayes 300 or 1200 Smartmodem and the U. S. Robotics, along
with the standard PMMI 103 routines the program has long supported.  It
also handles up to two alternate long distance systems such as SPRINT,
ALLNET, MCI, (can be used to auto-dial TYMNET), etc.

NOTE:  Special configuration files are being added for specific types of
       computers.  A large number are already available (as shown below)
       and others are being added as interest escalates.  This file will
       be updated accordingly.

       To adapt this version to your equipment, you will want to get
some of the following programs:

              Program name          Purpose

               MDM712.ASM       (source code file)
               MDM712.COM       (object code file)
               MDM712.DOC       (how-to-use file)
               MDM712.INF       (information file)
               M712AC.ASM       (AppleCat II overlay file)
	       M712AL.ASM       (Altos Series 5 overlay file)
               M712AP.ASM       (Apple II overlay file)
               M712DP.ASM       (Datapoint 1560 overlay)  
               M712GP.ASM       (General purpose overlay)
               M712H8.ASM       (Heath/Zenith H89 file)
               M712HP.ASM       (Hewlett Packard 125 file)	
               M712HZ.ASM       (Heath/Zenith Z-100 file)
               M712IN.ASM       (Interfacer 3/4 overlay file)
               M712KP.ASM       (KayPro overlay file)
               M712MD.ASM       (Morrow MD overlay file)
               M712MM.ASM       (Morrow Multi I/O overlay file)
               M712NE.ASM       (NEC PC-8001 overlay file)
               M712NM.ASM       (Phone number overlay, ALD information)
               M712OS.ASM       (Osborne OS-1 overlay file)
               M712OT.ASM       (Otrona Attache overlay file)
               M712OX.ASM       (Osborne Executive overlay file)
               M712PM.ASM       (PMMI S-100 modem overlay)
               M712TV.ASM       (TeleVideo TS-802 overlay)
               M712XE.ASM       (Xerox 820 overlay file)
               M712ZB.ASM       (Telcon ZORBA overlay file)

       There are several ways by which you can set the proper ports,
status pin values, etc. for your equipment.

     1) Use your editor, ASM (or MAC)  MDM712.COM    and
        and DDT (or SID) with:         M712xx.ASM

               (712xx stands for an appropriate overlay)
     2) Use your editor, ASM (or MAC)  MDM712.ASM

        One of those should appeal to you.  The program is designed to
work immediately for PMMI users with no changes - just use MDM712.COM.
(You might wish to change some of the available options, however.  It
is set to use base port 0C0H.)

        When ready to use the program, type 'H' (for 'HELP'), hit RET
and it will display helpful information on the commands.  There are so
many commands there are several pages.  You can abort the display with
a CTL-C.  (One of the most useful features being CTL-P to toggle your
printer on/off.)  You can also type a question mark (?) which shows the
current parameters.

        The program has received numerous worthwhile optional features
in recent months.

; 08/01/83  Added two alternate dialing routines such as MCI and SPRINT.
;	    Slight change in batch transfer area.  Prevented CTL-Y and
;  MDM712   CTL-R from outputting to the modem while saving for disk.
;	    Fixed "disk space remaining" to read correctly with CP/M+.
;	    Renamed all overlays to conform with 6-character filename
;	    limit on Compuserve.	- Irv Hoff
; 07/01/83  Changed TERM to allow use of printer port for modem use.
;	    Needed by the Morrow MD and NEC 8001 computers.  Changed all
;  MDM711   overlays to allow overprinting the PMMI parity routines as
;	    the Applecat overlay was not working properly.  Removed the
;	    short break tone during disconnect as Smartmodem 1200 were
;	    locking up.  (Smartmodem 300 were operating normally.)
;					- Irv Hoff
; 06/17/83  At last.  Program now has autodialing and auto-continuous
;	    redialing for Hayes Smartmodem 300 or 1200, PMMI 103 modem
;  MDM710   or U.S.Robotics.  After first unsuccessful try, asks if you
;	    want to quit, try once again, or continuously redial.  Also
;	    changed the BYE routine to be compatible with systems other
;	    than RCP/M.  Now trap 87H and 7H which are sometimes used by
;	    mainframes to signify "do not send any more sectors at this
;	    time".  This keeps the original Christensen protocol when
;	    ACKNAK is set YES.  (ACKNAK can of course be set to NO if
;	    the results seem preferable to the user.  Some problems have
;	    been noticed in batch transfers and modem-to-modem use with
;	    ACKNAK set NO.)		- Irv Hoff
; 05/27/83  Corrected a phone number in the library.  Added a CR/LF for
;	    the quiet mode if using batch transfer.  Simplified initial-
;  MDM709   ization at startup.  Two minor mods to assist in adding an
;	    overlay for Hayes 300/1200 SmartModem later.
;					- Irv Hoff
; 05/15/83  Extensive revisions on many parts of the program.  Relocated
;	    most of the PMMI routines near the start to facilitate using
;  MDM708   the new 300/1200 PMMI board or the Hayes Smartmodem.  Some
;	    of the more ambitious changes include:
;		a) CRC system replaced with the high-speed lookup tables
;		   similar to those used in CHEK15.
;		b) Separate printer buffer.  Can now print regardless of
;		   input speed even when saving for a disk file.
;		c) Printer buffer and disk buffer each can accept up to
;		   128 characters after an X-OFF to compensate for line-
;		   oriented systems and satellite linking.
;		d) Saving to disk made far more user-friendly.  'NOL' no
;		   longer used.  File automatically closed upon exit.
;		e) Sector count shown before "ACK" is sent, allowing
;		   high-speed transfers (to 19,200 baud) without errors.
;		f) Typing BYE on command line or CTL-D in terminal mode
;		   disconnects and returns to CP/M.  Also closes any disk
;		   files that may be open.  "X" (secondary option) does
;		   the same thing, allowing automatic terminate at com-
;		   pletion of file transfer.
;		g) Improved the "E" (echo) mode, also half duplex mode.
;		h) Control characters above ^M not passed to the CRT, an
;		   optional feature.
;		i) Handling of command line options greatly modernized.
;		j) For PMMI users, program automatically comes up in
;		   originate mode at default speed.  No need to ever say
;		   TO.300 unless a baudrate change is desired.
;		k) Simlified and changed numerous flags to be consistent
;		   with others.
;		l) Several improvements in error handling and detection.
;	    Numerous other changes.  We attempted to incorporate all the
;	    suggestions forwarded from various users in addition to some
;	    features I wanted myself.   - Irv Hoff
; 01/01/83  First version.  Can be assembled with ASM.COM.  MDM700 was
;	    selected to commence a new series of version numbers.  This
;  MDM700   can be readily used on data bank systems that limit file
;	    names to a total of 6 characters.
;					- Irv Hoff