[net.micro.cpm] BASE 1 and Z80/8080 Macro assemblers

chris%rand-unix@sri-unix.UUCP (08/11/83)

The current issue of BYTE (August 1983) includes an add for BASE 1
a database management system put out by XPER Systems for CP/M micros.
It sells for the unbelievable price of $19.95.  Does anybody out there
know anything about this?  Is it decent?

A few weeks ago I posted a request for information on macro assemblers
(either commercial or public domain) for the z80/8080.  So far all I've
gotten is requests for copies of replies.  I will be happy to summarize
and post any evaluations of macro assemblers I get, so please let me
hear from all you happy Macro80, MAC and RMAC users.....if any.