W8SDZ@mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (08/21/83)
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@mit-mc> Anyone who has an IBM-PC who uses a modem to transfer files from CP/M systems will want to get AR46:CPM;USQPC 11EXE (stored in binary format according to the ITS "COMfile" format). This is a ready-to-execute UNSQUEEZER for files which has been SQueezed with Richard Greenlaw's SQ.COM under CP/M. If you cannot FTP binary files or cannot correct for the 4-byte COMfile header that begins the file on MIT-MC, you can download it from my RCPM system (313)-759-6569 (callback) if you have a Ward Christensen-compatible MODEM program. --Keith