[net.micro.cpm] CP/M-86 and CCP/M-86 on Z-100

ciaraldi@Rochester.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP (07/22/83)

From:  Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@Rochester.ARPA>

Having just signed a non-disclosure agreement, I expect to
receive a pre-release copy of CP/M-86 for the Z-100 from
Zenith in the next few days. Official release to the general public
will be early September. 
I also have Version 2.0 of ZDOS (MSDOS), complete with pipes,
subdirectories, etc. I'm not sure of the general release date.
It looks like, as part of my summer job, I will be porting
CCP/M to the Z-100. If anyone knows of this already
being done, let me know so I can avoid the trouble!
As far as I have been told, Zenith is not porting CCP/M
at present, and DR is not going to port it to anything
but the IBM PC.

Final note: Can anyone give me advice on converting aa
CP/M-86 BIOS to a CCP/M XIOS?  DR covers the conversion in
one page of the manual, and it looks fairly straightforward,
but any experiences will be appreciated.

POURNE@mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (08/28/83)

From:  Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@mit-mc>

Needless to say, I am EXTREMELY interested in these projects.
Perhaps we can work on an article?  I'm tryng to follow the
Z-100's progress.  I am surprised that Zenith didn't send me a
test version of CPM-86 for the Z-100.  With that I can get
Modula 2 running on Zorro...

My BIOS expert is in Europe until October, so cannot help with
conversion of BIOS.  Alas.  Best,