[net.micro.cpm] help/advice with S100 system integration

mts@utcsrgv.UUCP (Martin Stanley) (07/29/83)

I am expecting to receive a new Compupro System 816A in a couple of days
and would like to communicate with others who have had experience integrating
same. Any helpful hints or suggestions would be appreciated. Also, if anyone
out there is interested in a hardware novice's experience bringing up this 
system feel free to mail me at the above address or at:

		Martin Stanley
                305 St. George Street
		Toronto, Ontario

POURNE@mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (08/29/83)

From:  Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@mit-mc>

I would be very interested in your diary of novice experiences,
to incorporate into the USER TO USER (letter to me) feature in
BYTE if you're interesterd.
J. E. Pournelle
POB 372
Hancock NH 03449