[net.micro.cpm] CP/M'S FILE ARCHIVE BIT

DGilbert.ES@PARC-MAXC.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP (10/03/83)

In the CP/M file directory, there are several FLAG bits which can be set.
Among these are the 'Read Only' flag, the 'SYSTEM' directory flag, and the
'Archive' flag.  The 'Archive' flag, if set by a program, will remain set as
long as the file is not updated.  Once changed, BDOS will reset this bit to
inform the user that the file has been updated.

The 'Archive' flag would be very useful for making backup copies of floppys
or Hard disk systems.  However, I see little if any support of this feature.
Why is the CP/M file Archive flag not supported?

Are there any public domain programs which would:

	* Give a directory of updated files (archive bit reset)
	* Copy files to another disk and set the archive flags
	* Give a directory of non-updated files (archive bit set)
	* Use the Archive flag in any meaningful way.

Any feelings on the various commercial programs offering incremental backup

The Xerox provided 'BACKUP' utility for the Hard Disk provided with the
820-II system makes no use of the archive bit that I can see. 



ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid@sri-unix.UUCP (10/04/83)

I've been looking long and hard at the CP/M file directory myself,
trying to identify and fiddle with bits to do just that very thing.
Haven't gotten very far, and would be MOST interested in hearing
about developed applications -- even if they aren't in a nice neat
integrated package!

David Kirschbaum

RGF@mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (10/04/83)

From:  Ronald G. Fowler <RGF@mit-mc>

  The file archive attribute that you describe is available only
for the relatively new CP/M version 3 (aka 'CP/M+') and MP/M versions
2.0 and up.  The far more prevalent CP/M 2.2 has no such feature
(although Kelly Smith released a BDOS patch to support such an
attribute, along with a companion copy program that utilizes it;
there were some problems with this patch as I recall, and I believe
it did not gain wide support because of these problems).
  I would expect to see more support in public-domain programs for
this attribute, as CP/M 3 makes its gradual proliferation through
the market.
			--Ron Fowler  (RFOWLER@SIMTEL20)

strom@brl-bmd@sri-unix.UUCP (10/04/83)

From:      Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@brl-bmd>

There is indeed a public domain program called ARCIVE.ASM by Kelly Smith
that will perform the backup you require. It is probably available on
SIMTEL20 and of course through Kelly's CP/M-NET RCPM in Ca. I would
however recommend that you look at the review of QBAX in the current
Microsystems magazine. This $30 program does the job better in my opionion.
It also supports several Unix-like features. The author is currently working
on version 2 which will allow splittinga large file from a hard disk
onto several floppies. This latter version will probably be available before
the end of the year.