[net.micro.cpm] Program to change User Area of files.

PLEHN%mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (11/11/83)

From:  Allan D. Plehn <PLEHN@mit-mc>

At SIMTEL20, in MICRO:<CPM.DIRUTL>, you will find MAKE.ASM and MAKE.COM.  I believe that these are just what you are looking for.

Checking against versions available on a local RCPM, I find that the
ones on SIMTEL20 are old versions.  I have placed the new version of the
asm file, MAKE15.ASM, on MIT-MC in GUEST4;PLEHN MAKASM.  Also, the newer
version has an accompanying .DOC file (in addition to built-in help in the
the .COM file).  The documentation file is in GUEST4;PLEHN MAKDOC.

If you have any difficulty FTPing the new version from MIT-MC, let me
know and I will mail them to you.  The checksums are:
	9E21 for the .DOC file
	A7Af for the .ASM file.

SIMTEL20 list maintainer: Kindly pick up these files and add them to

			Al Plehn