[net.micro.cpm] RESOURCE and REZ...

LIN%mit-ml@sri-unix.UUCP (12/07/83)

From:  Herb Lin <LIN@mit-ml>

Thanks for all the people who pointed to REZ and RESOURCE as
god z80/8080 disassemblers.  problem now is whether there is documentation
available for RESOURCE - I find a DOC file for REZ, but not
for RESOURCE.  thanks...

George.Wood%cmu-cs-a@sri-unix.UUCP (12/07/83)

	It is my understanding that the commands for using rez and resource
are (for the most part) identical; rez was, as I recall, developed by modifying
resource. Try the rez doc's instructions. 
	If all else fails, use rez and one of the public-domain z80 assemblers;
chances are that what you are disassembling only uses the 8080 subset of z80
instructions anyway, and zilog mnemonics are easy to learn. One version of
rez (or is it an option rez offers -- I can't recall) produces TDL mnemonics,
which are intel 8080 mnemonics with intel-like extensions to cover z80

rconn%brl@sri-unix.UUCP (12/08/83)

From:      Rick Conn <rconn@brl>

DASM is yet another Z80 disassembler, derived from ZZSOURCE which was
derived from RESOURCE.  DASM, however, provides full Zilog Z80 mnemonics
with one overlay and TDL mnemonics with another overlay (the overlays are
specified at assembly time).  DASM is in the PD.
