[net.micro.cpm] Misconceptions

HUNEYCUTT%gunter-adam@sri-unix.UUCP (12/16/83)

From:  Doug <HUNEYCUTT@gunter-adam>

15-Dec-83 12:29:20-CST,2751;000000000001
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@BRL-VGR.ARPA>
Received: FROM BRL-VGR BY GUNTER-ADAM WITH TCP ; 15 Dec 83 12:26:19 CST
Date:     Thu, 15 Dec 83 11:26:03 EST
From:     Dave Towson (info-cpm) <cpmlist@brl-vgr>
To:       info-cpm@brl-vgr
Subject:  [Wiedemann.4506i:  Z-100, USAF & Navy]

Here is a little more information on the Zenith microcomputers available 
through the Government Employees Association.

Dave Towson

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Received: From brl-gateway2.ARPA by BRL-VGR via smtp;  15 Dec 83 8:26 EST
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Date:  15 December 1983 07:37 est
From:  Wiedemann.4506i1808@radc-multics
Subject:  Z-100, USAF & Navy
To:  ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid
cc:  info-cpm-request@brl

ELECTRONIC NEWS on 10 Oct 83 reported:

     "Zenith Data Systems last week snagged a 3-year contract valued at
$29.2 million from 16 other competitors, including Burroughs and NCR, to
furnish the Air Force and Navy with microcomputers."
     "Zenith's Z-100 desktop system was selected from over 50
competitors, with the 16 finalists including NCR, with its DecisionMate,
North Star's Advantage, and Burroughs' B20.  IBM's Personal Computer and
Digital Equipment's Raibow also were among the finalists but those
computers were bid by system houses."
     "Under the terms of the contract, ZDS, a Zenith Radio Corp.
subsidiary, will supply a minimum of 6,000 microcom- puters over the
next three years, for use by Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.  The
Zenith microcomputers will communicate with other DOD computer systems."

     The rest of the article described the configuration of the system
and other peripheral/accessory suppliers.
     What this really means is that the Air Force and Navy has decided
that if a unit can otherwise justify a small computer, the one that will
be supplied will be the Z-120.  This does not mean that computers will
automatically be supplied to all offices in DOD.  The main purpose for
this is to maintain as much interoffice compatibility for media and
program format as possible.  The competition was based, by the way, on a
rather extensive list of requirements.  Most of the other suppliers
would have had to get waivers for portions of those requirements.  Only
Zenith's machine fully met them.  (e.g.  5" and 8" capability, S-100,
dual processors).
     There is much more than this, Dave.  I can send you a copy if you
would like it for your files.  I have already sent my personal order in
to the Government Employees' Association.  Watch the net for further
information on this.  

                                         Wolf Wiedemann

----- End of forwarded messages
16-Dec-83 07:55:42-CST,1456;000000000000
Date: 16 Dec 1983 0755-CST
Subject: AF/Navy contract misconceptions
cc: Huneycutt

I'd like to take some time to quash some rumors that are flying recently
about the Zenith/AF/Navy contract signed on 3 Oct 83.  

  There were 32 proposals evaluated by a huge number of people...technicians,
cost analysts, contract specialists, and such.

  The number was reduced to 15 because of problems with some of the proposals,
like not supporting a mandatory requirement, etc.  All (thats <<ALL>>) of the
remaining 15 met the requirements of our specifications.  There was a wide
range of machines left in evaluations, some technically poor and one that was
far ahead of the rest (technically), with an 8086 instead of 8088, 8MHz 
instead of 5MHz, etc.  They did not win.

  In the same general class at the end were:  1) the Z-100, 2) the PC-XT, 
3) the TI Professional, and a few others.

IT ALL CAME DOWN TO COST, FOLKS!!!!  The Z-100 was the best machine for the
price.  Do you honestly think that the same government that sent men to the
moon in the arms of the lowest bidder would buy anything but the best buy
in computers???

By the way, recent messages about items being added to the contract contain
both good and bad information.  The only advice I can give for possible GEA
