From: Ralph W. Hyre Jr. <RALPHW@MIT-XX.ARPA> If there isn't one available, I would appreciate a pointer to the document describing the protocol so I can write one. Thanks. - Ralph Hyre -------
ABN.ISCAMS%usc-isid@sri-unix.UUCP (01/20/84)
Don't I remember an article or message coming over the net where Christensen explained in detail his protocol? Think I have it at home on the Toad's hard disk, but not here, and don't remember the pointer. Yell if no one else knows and I'll give it to you. Regards, (and YES, PLEASE -- if no one else has done it in Pascal for Public Domain, I VERY MUCH need such a creature! Could save you all beaucoup tax dollars!) David Kirschbaum Toad Hall (ABN.ISCAMS@USC-ISID)
fsbrn%brl-voc@sri-unix.UUCP (01/20/84)
From: "Ferd Brundick (LTTB)" <fsbrn@brl-voc> Hi, Since Toad Hall has also expressed interest in an Pascal Modem7, I am sending a copy of my original reply to the list at large. - - - - - - - - - - There <IS> a modem3 program written in Apple (SCUD) Pascal. The files are on simtel20 in MICRO:<CPM.PASCAL> and the names are given below. I've never used the program because I don't own an Apple, but I do have the MODEM3.PAS file if you can't get it from simtel20 (I can get and send you the other 2 files if you need them). Anyway, below is the header info from the main file. dsw, fferd Fred S. Brundick USABRL, APG, MD. <fsbrn@brl-voc> PROGRAM modem; {Written by Jack M. Wierda Chicago Illinois This program is in the public domain. LANGUAGE: UCSD Pascal FILES: MODEM3.PAS -- main program MDM3-Z80IO.Z80 -- serial line interface for Z80 MDM3-8080IO.Z80 -- serial line interface for Intel 8080 This program is basically a re-write in PASCAL of Ward Christensen's Modem Program which was distributed in CP/M User's Group Volume 25. Identical and compatible options are provided to allow this program to work directly with Ward's program running under CP/M. One difference is that when sending files the PASCAL or CP/M transfer mode must be selected. The PASCAL mode transfers files between two systems running PASCAL, while the CP/M mode is used when the receiving system is running CP/M. Basically the CP/M mode provides the linefeeds required to make a PASCAL file compatible with CP/M. When CP/M files are received they contain linefeeds, these can be deleted using the editor to make the file compatible with PASCAL. CP/M files may also contain tabs which the PASCAL editor does not expand. External assembly language routines are used to read the status, and read or write the keyboard and modem ports. These routines are available as separate files for the 8080 and Z80 processors. The port and flag definitions, and the timing constant for the one second delay should be changed as required for your particular hardware. The program has been tested with text files only, and may not work correctly for code or other types of files. The PDP-10 mode transfers PASCAL files to a DEC SYSTEM-10 computer.} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -