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     Oh brother...

     Jerry, I was able to duplicate the silly bug in Turbo.  And IT IS
a bug - It DOES NOT do what the book says it ought to do, despite what
all the mathematicians say.

     On the other hand, just for kicks I tried defining my own frac
function and THAT worked per the manual description.

     What I used was the expansion they give in the book for frac on
page 131.  What a pain - why didn't Borland do it that way to begin

     I wonder what Borland's update policy is?  I remember asking them
about that when I ordered the compiler.  Never did get a reply.

     Well, as they say, caveat emptor...


POURNE%mit-mc@sri-unix.UUCP (02/20/84)

From:  Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@mit-mc>

It's still a prety good compiler (and they are rescinding their
"extra hundred" for unlimit ed license so the price is right.)
Try writing Borland, ATTN: PHILLIPPE KAHN, describe what you
said to me, and put CC:J. E. Pournelle BYTE on the letter (and
do send me a cc).
	I suspect they will (1) tellyou about update policies,
and (2) at least discuss the "feature" (bug?) with youy.

Then tell me what happened, because I get conflicting stories,
and I am tired of having my jugular chewed over this issue.
