[net.micro.cpm] ATTEN: Osborne computer users

jalbers%bnl@sri-unix.UUCP (03/09/84)

ATTENTION users of Osborne computers.  The Capital Osborne Users Group (CapOUG)
is seeking other Osborne users groups across the country.  If you are a member
of such a group, please send the name of the president, along with an address
and phone number.  We are also looking for contacts via the net (USENET or
ARPA/MILNET) between groups across the country.   If you can be such a contact
or know of someone who can, please send me mail.  All that would be envolved
is sending and recieving  summaries of meetings, parts of newsletters, and
acting as an interface between your group and the other groups 'subscribing' to
this 'mailing list'.  At this point, it is not certain wheather communication
would be through a mail 'reflector', or via a 'digest', however the latter is
most likely.  In return for your service, the CapOUG will exchange our software
library, which consists of over 120 SD disketts, and articles from our
newsletter.  The 'interface' would be asked to offer the like to the other
members of the list.
Even if you don't belong to a group, this would be a great way to find the group
in your area.

							Jon Albersg
						ARPA    jalbers@BNL