km@emory.UUCP (Ken Mandelberg) (03/23/84)
I am passing on a question for someone else on campus so I am a little sketchy on the details of this question. They are running a Vector Graphics 5005 under CP/M 2.5. CP/M 2.5 was described as a vendor modified CP/M superset allowing several users in the MP/M style. The system has a 5 megabyte winchester. They have found that to allow separate users working on distinct applications, they must have each user login to a different user area. Unfortunately, the 5 megabyte disk is marginal and there is not enough room for separate copies of certain applications programs. I am told that CP/M will search User 0 for .com files after failing to find a match in another user area, but this will not work for programs that use overlays. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to patch CP/M to allow the sharing of programs with overlays? Ken Mandelberg Emory University Dept of Math and CS Atlanta, Ga 30322 {akgua,sb1,gatech}!emory!km
SHahn@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (03/27/84)
From: Sam Hahn <SHahn@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> MP/M allows .OVR a/o .OVL files to be shared under user 0 if you set the F1 (and if necessary, F2, F3, and F4) file attributes. I don't know that this can be done with STAT, so a user-written utility would be necessary, even if this were allowed under "CP/M 2.5". -- shahn@sumex -------
Ken, There was recently announced on the net a patch for Word* that would let it look to User 0 for its overlays. Unfortunately, the patch did not work on my system for some reason (I haven't had time to really figure out why). I have no direct solution either, and commonly use DUPUSR (a utility that puts the NAME of a desired utility/application into a User Area, plus pointers to the main source (in User 0), yet does not take up any actual disk space! (Except for the directory entry, of course.) One hazard: You'd need to carefully caution users of those other User Areas NOT, repeat, NOT to carelessly erase that DUPUSR'ed file. It demands a CTRL C immediately after erasing (e.g., before any disk writes, I believe is the critical parameter), else it will do a JOB on the entire hard disk directory!!! But it is a fix. I've patched CP/M to look to A0> for all my other applications, and DUPUSR the overlays to User Areas as needed/desired. Good luck, and regards. David Kirschbaum Toad Hall (ABN.ISCAMS@USC-ISID)