[net.micro.cpm] MODEM7 documentation for kaypro

kemp@noscvax.UUCP (04/20/84)

<a nonblank line>
April 20, 1984  
          I culled the following MODEM7 documentation from the
          ASM list for the KMDM795 program released on the  
          -KAYPRO.001 disk by the Kaypro User Group.
							Steve Kemp

NB: *** in the left margin indicates NOT IMPLEMENTED in this version. 

              CP/M MODEM PROGRAM Version 7.95  12/08/82 
                  Version for: Kaypro II Computer

                    Single Letter Commands  
      H  - Display this information 
      ?  - Display current settings 
      T  - Terminal mode
      E  - Terminal mode with echo  
      L  - Terminal mode with local echo
          For capturing text use T(or E or L) FILENAME.TYP and  
          Start & Stop toggles described on subsequent screen.  
      R  - Receive CP/M file using Christensen Protocol 
      S  - Send CP/M file using Christensen Protocol
          Command is: R(or S) FILENAME.TYP  
          R and S can use the following subcommands:
               B  - Bulk transfer using wildcards (e.g. *.*)
               Q  - Quiet mode (no messages to console) 
               T  - Return to terminal mode after transfer  
               V  - View bytes transferred on console
               Even(0)/Odd(1) parity sub-option is available somehow... 
     The single letter commands may also be used on the 
     command line when the program is initially executed.

                    Three Letter Commands
     CPM - Exit from this program to CP/M
     DIR - List directory and space free (may specify drive)
     ERA - Erase file (may specify drive)
     LOG - Change default drive + user no. (specify drive + user)
           and reset disks.  e.g. LOG A0, LOG B (user # unchanged)  
***  SPD - Set speed of file output in terminal mode
     TIM - Set serial port baud rate
           (Supports 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 96000, 19.2k Baud.) 
     TCC - Toggle Checksum/CRC mode on receive  
     TBR - Toggle backspace to rub conversion
     TLC - Toggle  1) local command immediate
                   2) local command after ctrl-^
     TLF - Toggle send linefeed after carriage return
     TXO - Toggle XOFF testing in terminal mode file output 
     NUM - List remote systems  
           (Library of Phone Numbers of Remote Systems) 
     SET - Set communication ports (accepted as a command, with 
           unknown effects...)  
***  CAL - Dial number  
***  DSC - Disconnect
***  BYE - Disconnect and reboot

         The following are terminal text buffer commands:
     DEL - Delete memory buffer and file
     NOL - Return to terminal mode - no loss of data in buffer  
     WRT - Write memory buffer to disk file 
           Local Commands while in Terminal Mode
       ^E - Exit to command mode
***    ^D - Disconnect (for PMMI only)  
***    ^@ - Send break  
***    ^B - Change baud rate (for PMMI only, in terminal mode)  
***    ^O - Transmit logon  
       ^P - Toggle printer  
       ^Y - Start copy into buffer  
       ^R - Stop copy into buffer
             Start & Stop may be toggled as often as desired.
             A ":" at start of line indicates buffer is open.
             XOFF automatically used to stop input when writing 
             full buffer to disk, XON sent to resume.
       ^T - Transfer ASCII file to remote
       ^^ - Send local control character to remote  
          - Next character will be used for local control

                       Default Settings 
     Default Drive: A0 (User #0, Drive a:)  
                            Use 'LOG' to change 
     CRC mode set (Checksum mode NOT set)
                            Use 'TCC' to toggle 
     Printer is OFF 
                            Use ^P to turn printer on
     Modem speed is 1200 baud
                            Use 'TIM' to reset baud rate
     Backspace is BACKSPACE (RUBOUT not used)
                            Use 'TBR' to toggle 
     Linefeed NOT sent after carriage return
                            Use 'TLF' to toggle sending LF after
                            carriage return 
     Use ctrl-^ to send local command to remote 
                            Use 'TLC' to toggle 
     Terminal mode file buffer is inactive  
                            Use ^Y to activate  
     Unused portion of buffer is 43776  
                            (When inactive...)  
     XOFF testing NOT used in terminal mode file output 
                            Use 'TXO' to toggle XON/XOFF usage  
     Terminal mode file output delay is 0.00 seconds per character  
                            (This is not modifiable in this version and 
                            may be incorrect at 0.00)