ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA (05/08/84)
i thought there already was a footnote.com out there. is this ftnote12 an improvement, difference, what? forgive me - i most certainly DOO appreciate any and all donations to our resources, but just wondered why... regards, david kirschbaum toad hall abn.iscams@usc-isid
strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA (05/08/84)
From: Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA> I frankly do not recall there being a public domain footnoter out there. I have seen a proprietary product called, strangely enough, Footnote (by Pro/Tem Software in Ca.), and I have seen an index generator for WordStar in the public domain, but that is about it. Of course, I could be wrong...