[net.micro.cpm] MEX10DOC.WQ - a WordStar formatted MEX10.DOC

W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA (05/23/84)

From:  Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>

I local user of TCBBS Dearborn contributed a nicely-reformatted DOC
file for MEX10.  I just uploaded it to SIMTEL20.  Since this file has
WordStar dot commands, soft spaces, high-order bits and such, I did
NOT unsqueeze it.  It's stored in ITS-binary "COM" file format and is
48k.  I have made a .HEX file for those who cannot FTP binary files.

The files are:
MICRO:<CPM.MEX>MEX10DOC.WQ  (the squeezed file)
MICRO:<CPM.MEX>MEX10DOC.HEX  (the hexified squeezed file)

If you get the .HEX file, use LOAD.COM (or MLOAD.COM) to make
MEX10DOC.COM, rename it to MEX10DOC.WQ and then unsqueeze it.