[net.micro.cpm] Another message from Tom Ticimpidis

ssalzman.es@XEROX.ARPA (05/24/84)

Here is another message from Tom that I found on the Xanadu RCP/M
system [(818)906-1636]:


Msg 2857.1, Left at: 16:22:42; 05/22/84, From: TOM TCIMPIDIS (6)
To: ALL, About: mog-ur update
     I, today, talked with Peggy Watt who is the legal editor
for Infoworld. I gave her a synopsis of what occurred and the
names and numbers of the indivduals involved. She is going to
look into the matter and see what she can determine through
her contacts (she agrees that the situations seem out of line)
and then get back to me. (I have also received queries from
the L.A. Times and KCBS TV.)
     She would also be interested in sitting in on a meeting
of the Sysops of various systems (something Lynzie of DYM69
suggested) to discuss the situation and what can be done to
rectify and prevent it. I would like to arrange such a meeting
as soon as possible. Please call me at 366-4837 and we will
proceed. Everyone needs to stick together in this because it
could ultimately affect us all, not just me.
     P.S. Please spread this message around on any other
systems that you access. Thanks.  Tom Tcimpidis 5/21/84
End Of Msg 2857
