fenchel@WISC-RSCH.ARPA (08/20/84)
I have the following problem ... any suggestions (other than get yourself a new computer, etc.): The "B" drive in my Osborne seems to be interfering in some manner with the operation of the machine. Whenever the select light comes on, the screen image wobbles quite a bit and the machine fails (usually by "hanging") soon afterward. When the "B" drive is not in use, all is well. Any ideas? Is it possible to install a new drive, and if so what manufacturer etc.
towson@Amsaa.ARPA (08/21/84)
From: David Towson (SECAD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA> I am not an Osborne owner, but the symptoms you cite sound very much like the power drain due to the disk drive may be causing variations of the power supply voltage to the rest of the computer. This could result from a high resistance in the power feed at a point common to both disk drive and computer. I suggest you disconnect and clean every pluggable connector in sight, and see whether that helps. Another useful troubleshooting step would be to swap the two drives. If this causes the problem to move with the drive (i.e., it's always the same physical drive) then you will know there is something wrong with the drive. If, on the other hand, the problem stays with the position (i.e., drive B) then you can look deeper into the wiring. If swapping the drives causes the problem to vanish, then it was probably a dirty connector that got scrubbed a bit when you unplugged it. If so, don't stop there; clean it right, and you should be good for a while. Dave towson@amsaa.arpa