[net.micro.cpm] UC crc questions

W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA (08/30/84)

From:  Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>

Bob, I can't answer your UC crck questions, Rick Conn would be best
for that.  However, I can offer an alternative means for checking
files uploaded to a Unix system.  Please get MICRO:<UNIX.CPM>CRCK2.C
and try it.  I find it quite useful and unambiguous.  Ben Goldfarb did
a super job of adding several new features which are detailed at the
beginning of the CRCK2.C file.

W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA (08/30/84)

From:  Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>

I read your message again and edited your chart to show the proper
method for uploading the A.TXT and B.COM files.  Remember that text
files stored under Unix do not have Carriage Returns, only Line Feeds
at the end of each line.  Also the trailing control-Z's from CP/M text
files are NOT stored on Unix.

file       upload            ls -l            uc crc's
name       method          char count  -c (text)   -C (binary)

A.TXT      umodem -rt         390      C6700080    6C4AFFFFF
A.TXT      uc -rt             390      C6700080    6C4AFFFFF
B.COM      umodem -rb        1920      BC1400080   2540FFFFF
B.COM      uc -rb            1920      BC1400080   2540FFFFF

The A.TXT crc from CRCK44 was 0C67, BYTEFREQ reported 512 characters
The B.COM crc from CRCK44 was 2540, BYTEFREQ reported 1920 characters

Note that the .COM file matches exactly on byte count.  The .TXT
cannot, for the reasons outlined above.


RCONN@simtel20.ARPA (08/30/84)

From:  Richard Conn <RCONN@simtel20.ARPA>

	The CRCs generated by UC match those generated by CRC (under
ZCPR2 and ZCPR3), Keith's CRCK, and CRC on SIMTEL20.  UC was written
on UNIX System V to run on System V only (there are many differences
between the System V and Berkeley UNIXes in their libraries), and I
don't support it under anything other than System V.  I question the
output you have been receiving since the values are 8 digits long,
where the values output by the -c or -C options of UC under System V
are only four digits long.  If you are running System V, clearly there
is a problem with the UC installed there.  If you are not running
System V, the answer is clear.  Keith's solution to use CRCK.C may be
best since it is generic (I think).
