[net.micro.cpm] Must sell to raise money for IBM-PC




For Sale to a good Home.   $475 ?

 Big Board II,	Z80 single board computer.


      A Z-80B CPU running at 4 Mhz (can be boosted to 5 or 6 MHz).
      SASI Hard Disk Interface with BIOS Source for a hard disk.
      STD Bus port for expansion.
      1793  Single/Double Density Floppy controller for 8" or 5" disks.
      Z-80B DART twin RS-232 ports.
      Z-80 DMA for lightning fast disk transfers.
      Parallel keyboard input.
      Two 8 bit output ports, two 8 bit input ports for user I/O.
      Two Z-80B CTC's for baud rate generation and general timer use.
      24 X 80 Video Generator with 7 X 9 pixel Characters emulating an ADM-31.
      64 Kbytes of dynamic RAM.
      6 sockets for 2732 EPROMS (Monitor EPROM included).
      Built in EPROM Programmer for 2716's and 2732's, with software!


      Schematics, theory of operation, and monitor EPROM documentation.
      Monitor EPROM & BIOS Source code on 8" single density floppy.
      Games and EPROM programming software on 8" single density floppy.

This board with an 8 inch single sided double density disk drive (about $100),
makes a very nice CPM 2.2 system. Using 1K sectors, an 8" floppy will hold
720 Kbytes per side (flippy disk).
